Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jasper loves..

first birthday book for Jasper who turns one next week.


  1. so cute! i want to make a big felt board for my kids and this book gave me some inspiration. i like your corn on the cob font a lot

  2. Hey Kim,thank you! Your felt board sounds like a great idea..would love to see it when you're done.. Corn on the cob font was a last minute addition, the glue was still wet on the scan!

  3. oooh! sounds like Jasper & I have a bit in common. I love all these foods too, especially corn on the cob.
    I might have to make one of these super gorgeous books for my son one day.... (YEP! IT'S A BOY!!!!)

  4. ANGIE!!! Let me help you! A son? brilliant! yes, you and Jasper are alike.. he's also very very smiley

  5. Hi, Grace!! very cute and lovely book!!!
    Jasper is lucky boooooy!
    I want to make a felt book for someone baby.
    Thank you for good idea!!!
