Monday, May 14, 2012

I see this one every time I park my bike out the front of the foodium supermarket in Shimokitazawa. Not sure what this building is at night, but I like the remnants of yellow on the window lattice and the scrawl on the roller door.


  1. Love this Grace! You are bringing us all of Tokyo, one illustrated, hunger-abating establishment at a time …

  2. LTL!! I Bloody love your comments. Thank you! Ps: I was thinking about that link you sent me of Thomas Demand's (day-mand/deh-mand) work and how he recreated those spaces based on pictures. I liked how his end piece was made of up The Oval Office from different periods of time

  3. I love your little paintings of found things and buildings you past around your neighborhood. So wonderful! Yeah, Leetranlam is right you're bringing us a little bit of Tokyo a bit at a time. Soooo fun!

  4. Fantastic!
    I would like to buy some new drawing pens.
    I'm so fascinated with your irresistible drawings that I'd ask you for suggestions!

  5. What a cute little
    painting ♥ xx

  6. Hi, Grace!
    That is very cute place!!!
    I want to know where.


  7. Nadia, let us know how you go with the pens! You new Panda drawing is so cute! Thank you Ice Pandora! And Akiko, it's near foodium, but have never been there.. is it an izakaya?
